So, news just came in. Rooney's staying put..penning a 5-year deal to keep him in Manchester till 2015.
What a saga it has been right?.. From, constant hair-dry treatments from mentor, father-like Ferguson to scandals to deteriorating relationships with teammates, fans and wife, poor form, and even injuries.. WOW..
Just when we thought Rooney would be leaving for good over arguments with Fergie, he stayed?? yea, hell yea he did. God knows how much he's earning now. Wait, 150k pounds!!? You sure Rooney? I mean about this? Your could have got lots more if you had joined elsewhere you know? Rooney previously said he will leave Manchester United, even stating bad things bout Fergie, saying that he lied about him having an ankle injury when he's least that's what he said, he also said he went to all training sessions so far this season. Ok, Rooney, we heard you there. But then what? creating a dramatic saga after that? His agent may be the problem for this!! Persuading Rooney to leave United, and so he did, using Rooney's name to get more $$$ for himself. Failed, as of now. At one point, Rooney made harsh comments on United and Fergie himself saying he's bigger than United and that the club has a lack of ambition. Tell you what Rooney, NO ONE, YEA, NO ONE IS BIGGER THAN A CLUB. Not to mention the legacy and former big players. Mourinho is right then, he said Rooney will stay and damn right he did because he's Mr. United, some say and a fan favourite! A legend to be. But let me tell you this Rooney, damage is already made, with you and your agent stating that YOU defeated Fergie in this so-called "battle" or "matter" whatever you want to call it, you thought you won did you? OR DID YOU?? It is disappointing mate, you're immaturity will make you suffer, trust me. You think you can go anytime you want just because you think you're indispensable? You're not mate, that's for sure. You would had been a betrayer if you had left, hours ago, protests were made outside your "grand home" by your very own loving-turned-disappointed fans. We all know that you're a bad boy no matter what. Saying in the past that you'll be forever in Everton and then coming to United, which is good of course. But still, damage is made, your relationship with your fans will and still deteriorate and it already has anyway. Bottom line, Fergie and Manchester United will and always be bigger than you Rooney. All you have to do is to give us a great time, and prove to us, fergie and to yourself that you're still damn good. All and all, your relationship with your fans will not be the same as it was always. Till then Rooney, good luck.
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